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Cylindrical Plug Gages

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Cylindrical plug gages, sometimes referred to as pin gages or plain plug gages, are used to check a drilled hole or the minor diameter of a threaded hole. There are three (3) basic styles of cylindrical plug gages:

    Reversible Pin size range: 0.015" to 1.010"
    Taperlock Plug size range 0.240" to 1.510"
    Trilock Plug size range 0.760" to 4.510"

The attraction of the reversible is that it affords the end user the opportunity to double the wear-life of the gage by simply turning the gage around and using the other end, resulting in lower gage cost. The reversible cylindrical pin gage is designed for size ranges of 0.015" to 1.010".
Cylindrical plug gages

The taperlock design is held in the handle by means of a tapered shank which provides added holding strength necessary for intermediate size ranges of 0.240" to 1.510".
Cylindrical plug gages

The trilock design may be used like a reversible by simply turning the members around. A bolt fastening system is used because of size and weight. The trilock is designed for size ranges 0.760" to 4.510".
Cylindrical plug gages

Double end pin and plug gages are supplied with ( + ) plus tolerance on the GO member and ( - ) minus tolerance on the NOGO member. Cylindrical plug gages may be furnished in four (4) tolerance classes, as follows:

    Class XX - Very close tolerance and typically used for master gages.
    Class X - Close tolerance for products requiring the highest grade of precision (most commonly used).
    Class Y - Larger tolerance than class X and used as working gages.
    Class Z - Used as working gages for more liberal product tolerances.
    When selecting gage tolerance it is a good practice to not exceed 10% of the product tolerance, half for the GO and half for the NOGO.

Following are examples of tolerance comparisons for cylindrical plug gages:
Complete Gage Maker's Tolerance Chart
Complete Gage Maker's Tolerance Chart

Handles are supplied with green caps for GO gages and red for NOGO gages.

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This page is a modified page extracted from Dynamics of Gaging published by Regal-Beloit Corporation.The data is provided for general information only. The intention is to provide accurate information; regardless; errors may exist in the supplied information. If accuracy is critical, base your final decisions on the data provided in the root documents: ANSI/ASME B1.20.1; ANSI B1.20.5;and ANSI SAE AS71051 which are copyrighted documents. To purchase copies visit an Authorized Reseller.

Original Posting: 5/4/2005
Last Revision: 5/5/2016
Error corrections in, or comments about, the above data can be sent to: office@gagecrib.com

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