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Knocked Out-of-Tolerance Adjustable Screw Thread Ring Gages

Solid vs. Adjustable Screw Thread Ring Gages
The adjustable style can go out of tolerance and I fear having an out-of-tolerance gage being used.

It is true that the Solid Screw Thread Ring Gage can be used as a hockey puck and that will likely not affect its functionality. The smaller the Solid Screw Thread Ring Gage diameter the more rugged it is; the larger the Solid Screw Thread Ring Gage diameter the more likely it is susceptible to damage by dropping.

The Adjustable Style Screw Thread Ring Gage is not so forgiving. It is a legitimate concern that rough handling may cause the gage to become out of tolerance. The basic mind-set to keep when using the adjustable screw thread ring gage is that it is a precision tool. If you drop a measuring instrument on the floor; you check the calibration before placing the tool back into operation. Checking the calibration is as easy as screwing the set plug gage into the ring gage. If the set plug still enters the ring gage with appropriate metal-to-metal contact; continue using the gage. If the set plug does not enter the gage or has other than metal-to-metal engagement; reset the gage to its set plug. Resetting the ring gage is an operation which is designed to be accomplished at the local level in your shop.

1. General overview of Solid vs. Adjustable Screw Thread Ring Gages.
2. My customer is using the solid style and I wish to use the same type of gage which he is using so that my tests will match his tests.
3. The adjustable style is always out of round.

This data is provided for general information only. The intention is to provide accurate information; regardless; errors may exist in the supplied information. If accuracy is critical, base your final decisions on the data provided in the root documents: ANSI/ASME B1.13M and ISO 1502; which are copyrighted documents. To purchase a copy visit an Authorized Reseller.

Original Posting: 3/16/2015
Last Revision: 3/17/2015
Error corrections in or comments about the above data can be sent to: office@gagecrib.com

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6701 Old 28th St SE, Suite B
Grand Rapids, MI 49546-6937
Phone: 001-616-954-6581 • Fax: 001-616-954-6583

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