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Metric Plugs

Metric Thread Plug Gages

  METRIC INCH (reference only)
M1.6 x 0.35 1.373 1.458 0.05406 0.05740
M1.8 x 0.35 1.573 1.658 0.06193 0.06528
M2 x 0.4 1.740 1.830 0.06850 0.07205
M2.2 x 0.45 1.908 2.003 0.07512 0.07886
M2.5 x 0.45 2.208 2.303 0.08693 0.09067
M3 x 0.5 2.675 2.775 0.10531 0.10925
M3.5 x 0.6 3.110 3.222 0.12244 0.12685
M4 x 0.7 3.545 3.663 0.13957 0.14421
M4.5 x 0.75 4.013 4.131 0.15799 0.16264
M5 x 0.8 4.480 4.605 0.17638 0.18130
M5.5 x 0.75 5.013 5.131 0.19736 0.20201
M6 x 1.0 5.350 5.500 0.21063 0.21654
M6.3 x 1.0 5.650 5.800 0.22244 0.22835
M7 x 1.0 6.350 6.500 0.25000 0.25591
M8 x 1.25 7.188 7.348 0.28299 0.28929
M8 x 1.0 7.350 7.500 0.28937 0.29528
M9 x 1.25 8.188 8.348 0.32236 0.32866
M10 x .75 9.513 9.645 0.37453 0.37972
M10 x 1.5 9.026 9.206 0.35535 0.36244
M10 x 1.25 9.188 9.348 0.36173 0.36803
M11 x 1.5 10.026 10.206 0.39472 0.40181
M12 x 1.0 11.350 11.510 0.44685 0.45315
M12 x 1.50 11.026 11.216 0.43409 0.44157
M12 x 1.75 10.863 11.063 0.42768 0.43555
M12 x 1.25 11.188 11.368 0.44047 0.44756
M14 x 2.0 12.701 12.913 0.50004 0.50838
M14 x 1.5 13.026 13.216 0.51283 0.52031
M15 x 1.5 14.026 14.216 0.55220 0.55968
M15 x 1.0 14.350 14.510 0.56496 0.57126
M16 x 2.0 14.701 14.913 0.57878 0.58712
M16 x 1.5 15.026 15.216 0.59157 0.59905
M17 x 1.0 16.350 16.510 0.64370 0.65000
M17 x 1.5 16.026 16.216 0.63094 0.63842
M18 x 2.5 16.376 16.600 0.64472 0.65354
M18 x 1.5 17.026 17.216 0.67031 0.67779
M20 x 1.0 19.350 19.510 0.76181 0.7681
M20 x 2.5 18.376 18.600 0.72346 0.73228
M20 x 1.5 19.026 19.216 0.74905 0.75653
M22 x 2.5 20.376 20.600 0.80220 0.81102
M22 x 1.5 21.026 21.216 0.82779 0.83527
M24 x 3.0 22.051 22.316 0.86815 0.87858
M24 x 2.0 22.701 22.925 0.89374 0.90256
M25 x 2.0 23.701 23.925 0.93311 0.94193
M25 x 1.5 24.026 24.226 0.94590 0.95378
M26 x 1.5 25.026 25.226 0.98527 0.99315
M26 x 1.0 25.350 25.520 0.99803 1.00472
M27 x 3.0 25.051 25.316 0.98626 0.99669
M27 x 2.0 25.701 25.925 1.01185 1.02067
M28 x 2.0 26.701 26.925 1.05122 1.06004
M28 x 1.5 27.026 27.226 1.06401 1.07189
M28 x 1.0 27.350 27.520 1.07677 1.08346
M30 x 1.5 29.026 29.226 1.14276 1.15063
M30 x 3.5 27.727 28.007 1.09161 1.10264
M30 x 2.0 28.701 28.925 1.2996 1.13878
M32 x 2.0 30.701 30.925 1.20870 1.21752
M32 x 1.5 31.026 31.226 1.22149 1.22937
M33 x 3.5 30.727 31.007 1.20972 1.22075
M33 x 2.0 31.701 31.925 1.24807 1.25689
M35 x 1.5 34.026 34.226 1.33960 1.34748
M36 x 2.0 34.701 34.925 1.36618 1.37500
M36 x 4.0 33.402 33.702 1.31504 1.32685
M36 x 3.0 34.051 34.316 1.34059 1.35102
M38 x 1.5 37.026 37.226 1.45771 1.46559
M39 x 2.0 37.701 37.925 1.48429 1.49311

This data is provided for general information only. The intention is to provide accurate information; regardless; errors may exist in the supplied information. If accuracy is critical, base your final decisions on the data provided in the root document which is a copyrighted document. To purchase a copy visit an Authorized Reseller.

Original Posting: 2/28/2008
Last Revision: 2/27/2013
Error corrections in, or comments about, the above data can be sent to: office@gagecrib.com

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