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Metric Rings

Metric Thread Ring & Set Plug Gages

  METRIC INCH (reference only)
M1.6 x 0.35 1.354 1.291 0.05331 0.05083
M1.8 x 0.35 1.554 1.491 0.06118 0.05700
M2 x 0.4 1.721 1.654 0.06776 0.06512
M2.2 x .045 1.888 1.817 0.07433 0.07154
M2.5 x 0.45 2.188 2.117 0.08614 0.08335
M3 x 0.5 2.655 2.580 0.10453 0.10157
M3.5 x 0.6 3.089 3.004 0.12161 0.11827
M4 x 0.7 3.523 3.433 0.13870 0.13516
M4.5 x 0.75 3.991 3.901 0.15713 0.15358
M5 x 0.8 4.456 4.361 0.17543 0.17169
M5.5 x 0.75 4.991 4.901 0.19650 0.19295
M6 x 1.0 5.324 5.212 0.20961 0.20520
M6.3 x 1.0 5.624 5.512 0.22142 0.21701
M7 x 1.0 6.324 6.212 0.24898 0.24457
M8 x 1.25 7.160 7.042 0.28189 0.27724
M8 x 1.0 7.324 7.212 0.28835 0.28394
M9 x 1.25 8.160 8.042 0.32126 0.31661
M10 x 0.75 9.491 9.391 0.37366 0.36972
M10 x 1.5 8.994 8.862 0.35409 0.34890
M10 x 1.25 9.160 9.042 0.36063 0.35598
M11 x 1.5 9.994 9.862 0.39346 0.38827
M12 x 1.0 11.324 11.206 0.44583 0.44118
M12 x 1.50 10.994 10.854 0.43283 0.42732
M12 x 1.75 10.829 10.679 0.42634 0.42043
M12 x 1.25 11.160 11.028 0.43937 0.43417
M14 x 2.0 12.663 12.503 0.49854 0.49224
M14 x 1.5 12.994 12.854 0.51157 0.50606
M15 x 1.5 13.994 13.854 0.55094 0.54543
M15 x 1.0 14.324 14.206 0.56394 0.55929
M16 x 2.0 14.663 14.503 0.57728 0.57098
M16 x 1.5 14.994 14.854 0.59031 0.58480
M17 x 1.0 16.324 16.206 0.64268 0.63803
M17 x 1.5 15.994 15.854 0.62968 0.62417
M18 x 2.5 16.334 16.164 0.64307 0.63638
M18 x 1.5 16.994 16.854 0.66905 0.66354
M20 x 1.0 19.324 19.206 0.76079 0.75614
M20 x 2.5 18.334 18.164 0.72181 0.71512
M20 x 1.5 18.994 18.854 0.74779 0.74228
M22 x 2.5 20.334 20.164 0.80055 0.79386
M22 x 1.5 20.994 20.854 0.82653 0.82102
M24 x 3.0 22.003 21.803 0.86626 0.85838
M24 x 2.0 22.663 22.493 0.89224 0.88555
M25 x 2.0 23.663 23.493 0.93161 0.92492
M25 x 1.5 23.994 23.844 0.94464 0.93874
M26 x 1.5 24.994 24.844 0.98401 0.97811
M26 x 1.0 25.324 25.212 0.99701 0.99260
M27 x 3.0 25.003 24.803 0.98437 0.97649
M27 x 2.0 25.663 25.493 1.01035 1.00366
M28 x 2.0 26.663 26.493 1.04972 1.04303
M28 x 1.5 26.994 26.844 1.07625 1.05684
M28 x 1.0 27.324 27.199 1.07575 1.07082
M30 x 1.5 28.994 28.844 1.14150 1.13559
M30 x 3.5 27.674 27.462 1.08953 1.08118
M30 x 2.0 28.663 28.493 1.12846 1.12177
M32 x 2.0 30.663 30.493 1.20720 1.20051
M32 x 1.5 30.994 30.844 1.22023 1.21432
M33 x 3.5 30.674 30.462 1.20764 1.19929
M33 x 2.0 31.663 31.493 1.24657 1.23988
M35 x 1.5 33.994 33.844 1.33834 1.33244
M36 x 2.0 34.663 34.493 1.36469 1.35799
M36 x 4.0 33.342 33.118 1.31267 1.30386
M36 x 3.0 34.003 33.803 1.33870 1.33082
M38 x 1.5 36.994 36.844 1.45645 1.45055
M39 x 2.0 37.663 37.493 1.48280 1.47610

This data is provided for general information only. The intention is to provide accurate information; regardless; errors may exist in the supplied information. If accuracy is critical, base your final decisions on the data provided in the root document which is a copyrighted document. To purchase a copy visit an Authorized Reseller.

Original Posting: 2/28/2008
Last Revision: 2/27/2013
Error corrections in, or comments about, the above data can be sent to: office@gagecrib.com

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