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ISO 594 is replaced with ISO 80369-7

ISO 594 is replaced with ISO 80369

Overly simplified...
ISO 594 was replaced with ISO 80369-7 in 2016.
The old numbers: ISO 594/1 and ISO 594/2; have been replaced with: ISO80369-7.
The specific specification for Needle and Syringe connections is now: ISO 80369-7.
Testing using ISO 594 parameters should be supplanted by ISO 80369-7 testing.

ISO 80369-7:2016 Foreword states: "ISO 80369-7 cancels and replaces the first edition ISO 594-1:1986 and the second edition of ISO 594-2:1998, clauses, subclauses, tables, figures, and annexes of which have been consolidated and technically revised."

The new ISO 80369-7 is essentially a clerical change from the previous ISO 594. This was to allow the Needle and Syringe Luer Connectors to be included under the ISO-80369-x Non-Interconnectable Small-Bore Connector collection of specifications. ISO 80369 is where you find the patient side connectors for various disciplines/families of connections.
• The text has been harmonized to the ISO 80369 Medical Small-Bore Connector specification format.
• The defined connectors have been more clearly dimensioned.
• The testing parameters have been narrowed.

I believe the intent of the authors of ISO 80369-7 was to allow ISO 594 connectors to be 100% forward compatible with ISO 80369-7. I am 99.9% confident that any ISO 594 designed/tested connector which has passed ISO 594 measurement/testing will pass when measured/tested using the ISO 80369-7 parameters; the opposite statement is not true.


This data is provided for general information only. The intention is to provide accurate information; regardless; errors may exist in the supplied information. If accuracy is critical, base your final decisions on the data provided in the root documents: ISO594/1:1986; ISO 594/2:1998; ISO80369-7 and ISO80369-20 which are copyrighted documents.
To purchase copies, visit an Authorized Reseller.

Original Posting: 8/29/2004
Last Revision: 2/26/2020
Error corrections in, or comments about, the above data can be sent to: office@gagecrib.com




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