This style of Threaded
Hole Centerline Locator Gage should be made from tool
steel. The threaded end is made to the maximum material thread pitch
diameter. The threaded end is then slit, usually twice, and the
thread is expanded slightly so that when screwed into the internal
threaded hole the Flexible Threaded Hole Centerline Locator Gage is a snug
fit in the hole and conforming to the internal thread pitch diameter
This style has the advantage of positive pressure against the internal
thread pitch diameter cylinder, but there is an issue of whether
or not the spring loaded thread is in fact concentric with the known
cylinder. The thread was concentric with the known cylinder before
the slits were added, but I know of no way to assure the relationship
remains after the slits are added.
Another issue with the Flexible Threaded Hole Centerline Location Gage is that
of calibration. The thread can be measured, but in its sprung condition
the measurements are meaningless. Also, I know of no lab that is
able to verify the relationship between the known cylinder and the
thread pitch diameter cylinder.
Gage Crib Worldwide, Inc.
6701 Old 28th St SE, Suite B
Grand Rapids, MI 49546-6937
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